Southern Tasmania electric vehicle bulk-buy- HAS CLOSED for enrollment - CARS WILL BE DELIVERED IN FEBRUARY 2021
The Good Car Company presenTs the southern tasmania electric vehicle bulk-buy
“Affordable” + “Electric Car” are words we have not been able to put together before. We are proud to be able to deliver a range of affordable electric vehicles to kickstart the decarbonisation of transport and solidify the Tasmania’s reputation as a clean island state.
Other benefits of choosing an electric vehicle through a bulk-buy include:
Lower fuel costs, less maintenance and lower cost of living;
Access to affordable and quality electric vehicles;
Bundled deals for installing home charging;
Zero particulates and no fumes on cold mornings;
Avoid service stations, holiday price gouging & oil wars; and
Great driving experience, fully automatic with hill-start assist.
We are presenting a range of 100% electric, late model Nissan vehicles.
62kWh ZE1 e+ Leaf (2017-19) - 340km range for around $52,000
40kWh ZE1 Leaf (2017-19) - 220km range for around $39,000
30kWh AZEO Leaf (2015-17) - 160km range for around $29,000
24kWh AZEO Leaf (2013-15) - 120km range for around $19,000
24kWh eNV200 Electric 7 seater Wagon - 100km range for around $29,000
24kWh eNV200 Electric 2 seater Van - 100km range for around $25,000
WHAT is the process?
The bulk-buy is launched on 17 September 2020
Weekly email bulletins and online zoom sessions to provide details on the models, range and battery
Opportunity to test drive cars and meet participants from previous bulk-buys
Offer Closes October 17
Cars are purchased, shipped and delivered in February 2021
“Electric cars + clean energy. The ideal way to transform our beautiful state. ”— anthony broese van groenou